Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Complementary and alternative medicine incorporates a large group of healthcare practices and treatments that are considered outside of, or supplemental to the scope of conventional medicine. May involve either mental or physical techniques, and some therapies may include use of herbs, meditation, and/or massage.
Bodywork - Various forms of touch therapies that may use manipulation, movement, and/or repatterning to affect structural changes to the body.
Relaxation Massage - A great massage for relieving tension by calming the nervous system with light to medium pressure. This can also include a scalp massage to further relax your mind, body and soul.
Swedish Massage (With Optional Cupping Therapy) - One of the most commonly taught and well-known massage techniques, Swedish massage is a vigorous system of treatment designed to energize the body by stimulating circulation. Five basic strokes, all flowing toward the heart, are used to manipulate the soft tissues of the body. Only the area being worked on is exposed. The therapist will use a combination of movements with the application of oil to reduce friction on the skin. Therapeutic cupping can be included with a Swedish massage at no additional charge. Cupping is an ancient technique that has been utilized worldwide by healers for thousands of years, and its effects can be immediate. Cupping naturally delivers revitalized blood & oxygen to the affected areas, allowing for expedited healing. It can help treat poor circulation, sports injuries, chronic headaches, scar tissue, inflammation, sciatica, pain, edema, cellulite and more.
Facial Cupping Massage - Utilizing specially designed tools, facial cupping massage is a process of continually moving & applying negative pressure with gliding strokes, thereby creating lymphatic drainage. It is an effective method to relieve sinus pressure & congestion, brighten the skin, reduce pore size, stimulate cells to produce & secrete collagen, diminish fine lines and alleviate muscle tension associated with TMJ symptoms.
Raindrop Technique - The Raindrop technique is a non-invasive therapy based on traditional massage therapies that has been expertly perfected by Young Living founder D. Gary Young. Raindrop involves the amazing power of therapeutic grade essential oils (which are dispensed in small rain-like drops about six inches above the body). This technique is designed to bring the body back into structural and electrical alignment. Often, many spinal problems and misalignments are caused by or exacerbated by toxins (such as viruses) that lie dormant within the spinal column. The use of essential oils helps to dispose of these toxins and viruses within the spine, helping its structure to return to normal. The raindrop technique can be used as a tool to provide a healthy balance to the body. Essential oils also stimulate the nerves and re-growth of tissue. The process also includes Vita-Flex - a unique therapy whose name means 'vitality through the reflexes'. It is a specialized form of hand and foot massage that is especially effective in delivering the benefits of essential oils throughout the body. It is thought to have originated in Tibet thousands of years ago and was perfected in modern times by Stanley Burroughs long before acupuncture was developed. It is based on a complete network of reflex points that stimulate all the internal body systems. Oils are applied to contact points and energy is released through electrical impulses created by contact between the fingertips and reflex points.
Touch for Health / Specialized Kinesiology - Touch for Health was developed in the early 1970s by Dr. John Thie, DC, after studying under George Goodheart, who is known as the father of Applied Kinesiology. Thie learned the value of using muscle monitoring as a biofeedback tool and focused on the cause of pain (as opposed to the symptoms); a novel approach in healthcare at the time. Thie furthered this approach by tapping into the nervous system to assess muscular & energetic imbalances and stress patterns. Then, by applying corrective methods to the body's energy system, patients could see rapid, long lasting (and often permanent) results. Touch for Health became the first simple and truly holistic system of healthcare, offering a solution that achieved balance within the complete triad of health: Structural, Nutritional and Mental/Emotional. Touch for Health practitioners have since been trained in over 40 countries, helping millions of people worldwide.
How Does the Process Work? Our bodies have many different physiological systems: An immune system, nervous system, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, muscular and lymphatic system. We also have an energetic (electrical) system. The Chinese discovered & identified twelve primary electrical pathways (meridians) along which energy currents travel in the human body. Just as an artery carries blood, a meridian carries energy, interconnecting our brains, organs and physiological systems in a similar way to radio waves traveling through space. Although imperceptible like radio waves, electricity moving faster than the speed of light continuously charges the body, radiating to and resonating with all of our cells. When energy flow is unrestricted, the body harmonizes the flow to optimize functioning. When we subject our bodies to intense or chronic stress however, electrical circuits along the meridians can become "overloaded". Just like the circuit breakers in our homes, they must be reset before energy flow can be properly restored. Resetting the body's circuits can be completed using a variety of correction methods within the Touch for Health system.
What Is a Typical Session Like? Along the electromagnetic pathways of the meridians, muscles are where the interaction between body & mind takes place. This is why muscle testing/monitoring is an excellent tool to help us access the bio-computer of the body. During a Touch for Health muscle test, a practitioner applies a force to specific muscles, assessing stresses and imbalances. Corrections are then made by stimulating various reflexes to improve cellular communication in areas of imbalance. These corrections upgrade the mental, emotional, physical & energetic programming of the body, helping to alleviate pain, enhance energy levels, reduce stress, improve posture & coordination, increase flexibility & much more. In a typical 60-90 minute session, your therapist utilizes this muscle monitoring technique to evaluate a minimum of 14 different organs & systems in your body. This is a gentle, non-diagnostic, non-medical, non-invasive, safe & holistic process, performed fully clothed. Being energetically out of balance can feel tiring, dull, irritating, depressing, overwhelming & can cause poor posture along with other physical manifestations. After a session, people often report feeling more energetic, hopeful, motivated, grounded, pain-free & peaceful with improved posture, flexibility & mental clarity. Be open to the possibility of these changes, even if you think your body is stuck!
Emotion Code Session (In Person or Remote for Human or Animal) -
What is The Emotion Code? The Emotion Code is a simple and transformative energy healing method that originated from internationally renowned holistic Chiropractic physician, Dr. Bradley Nelson. He has developed the most advanced form of bio-energetic medicine that is helping people all over the world to improve their lives, as it addresses underlying causes of physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances. Users and recipients of The Emotion Code process have found freedom from emotional concerns such as depression and anxiety, PTSD, addiction, as well as physical concerns including fatigue, pain, muscle tension, disease and more. A key element of The Emotion Code is removing “trapped emotions” -emotional disturbances that literally inhabit your body, which may have also clustered around the heart, interfering with one’s ability to find love and success. Any or all of these imbalances can interfere with and/or disrupt the innate healing capacity of our bodies. (One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. –Sophocles)
How does The Emotion Code process work? The first part of the process to identify a trapped emotion to release, and we do this one emotion at a time, getting the information from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious knows everything about you. Everything you’ve ever done, ever seen, ever tasted….every emotion you’ve ever felt, when it may have become trapped and even where in your body it is lodged or stored. By using a technique called muscle testing, we can communicate with your subconscious mind (your supercomputer!) and ask yes/no questions. We use a simple chart of emotions that is organized in columns and rows, and in a minute or two of asking yes/no questions, we can pinpoint a trapped emotion that is then ready to be released. If necessary, we may need to ascertain a few minor details such as, the approximate age it was experienced and trapped, if it is your own emotion or possibly one that was absorbed from someone else and where the trapped energy is located in your body. Then it is ready to be released.
The second part of this process is releasing the emotion that was identified. This release is accomplished primarily by the power of intention of the recipient and the practitioner. Our minds are an extraordinarily powerful tool! An optional tool that practitioners may utilize, is a magnet which acts as a magnifier of the intention. A swiping motion is performed on the governing meridian with a hand or magnet, helping to move the emotional energy out of body.
This process acts like a detox for our emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of wellness. We often utilize a multitude of different methods to cleanse our physical bodies, but overlook the necessity to tend to ‘cleansing’ of our other aspects. The absolute beauty of this program and its process is that there is no need to invade your privacy in order to release trapped emotions! You don’t have to talk about any difficult situations, traumas or experiences and you don’t have to re-live them.
What happens after a session? Performing the Emotion Code is like doing surgery on the energy body. We are seeking negative energies that are creating imbalances, then we remove/release them, and the energy body has to heal and reorganize or regain its balance. This results in some processing symptoms which roughly 20% of people will experience. For most, the processing period goes entirely unnoticed. Just be aware that if you feel out of sorts, have changes in your sleeping pattern, experience vivid dreams or some emotional ups and downs, this is totally normal.
Drink plenty of extra water, eat nutritional foods and get lots of rest to allow your energy body time to heal itself, and your physical body time to adjust to the changes. You may not notice anything unusual or negative, you might just feel great! But it’s better to be aware of possible side effects, just in case.
Some individuals will experience immediate relief. For example, pain can go away or be reduced after one session in some cases. For others, the improvement is more gradual. This all depends on each person and their particular issue(s) or concern(s). Some issues can take many sessions before improving but the most important part of this healing experience, is to have an open mind. If you are willing to have an open mind and let your subconscious be in charge, you might be pleasantly surprised at what it can do for you.
The Emotion Code makes no claim as to healing or recovery from any illness, nor the prevention of any illness in the future. There are no guarantees made towards validity. If you have health concerns, seek advice from an appropriate licensed medical practitioner before making any decisions about your healthcare. These services are not meant to replace any medical treatment.
What information is required to begin or conduct a session?
There are a couple of simple pieces of information required to perform a session;
1. Your permission and consent to participate in The Emotion Code
2. Your name and age
3. The issue(s) (up to 3 of them), that you would like help with
For each issue, the severity rating on a scale of 1-10 and timing of how long you’ve experienced it
The sessions can be completed in person, over the phone or by utilizing distance healing (proxy) work. Distance healing allows us to use quantum physics as we are all universally connected to everything and everyone else. Therefore it is possible for us to have an effect on another person who is far away. Think of it like each of us being antennas or cell towers; constantly sending, receiving & transmitting data, even though we can’t physically see it happening.
Keep in mind that The Emotion Code can also be very beneficial in helping resolve imbalances in animals and children. Animals are emotional, sentient beings that experience emotions and traumas in much the same way as we humans do. Children can be born with inherited emotions (passed down through DNA) and will experience emotions just like adults, accumulating more baggage and interference as they age.
Have another question? Please feel free to contact me about any of the information that has been provided here or additional questions that you may have. I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to share this remarkable program with you & help discover some root causes that may be impacting your health. I encourage you to get a copy of the book, The Emotion Code, read it, practice the concepts and use this process with your family and friends. You can also view more information at and by searching Dr. Bradley Nelson on YouTube.
Our daily stress (toxins) and emotional baggage (thoughts & trauma) is palpable, in the tension felt throughout our physical bodies. As a Licensed Massage Therapist, I know and appreciate the innate value of human touch to the healing capacity of another person. I also recognize that the manual techniques utilized in massage therapy, can sometimes only provide temporary relief of tension & pain. It is my passion to help clients discover greater solutions to resolving chronic conditions and see them thrive in wellness! Once having removed the interference and imbalances from trapped emotional baggage, your body and mind can thrive and be blessed with more love.
I personally have experienced the effects that the Emotion Code can deliver. That is why I am a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and am offering this as a regular service at Complements Massage, LLC. If you would like to schedule a session, either in person or remote (via phone or proxy/distance), I look forward to the opportunity!
Jolene Roling, LMT, CCT Phone: 563-543-1489 Email:
*This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information given to you in this handout or any session is not to be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare provider.